Urban Infrastructure management by ERP/GIS technology

Urban Infrastructure management by ERPGIS technology

Orhitec GIS LTD offers a complete solution for Urban Infrastructure Management by GIS technology – ERP\GIS on One Data Base, including Application development and Data collection services for Water, Sewage, Drainage, Electric, Lighting, Oil, Communications utilities, Scanning, Digitization etc.


  • Handles Wet infrastructure – Water, sewage, drainage etc. Dry infrastructure – Roads, electricity, communications, urban lighting etc.
  • Intended for Municipalities and local authorities, water and sewage corporations and infrastructure companies, collection and measurement of urban infrastructure data.
  • Friendly system for end users or professional. The information is updated easily as part of a routine management system.
  • Data collection and measurement services for GIS systems, field surveys conducted by experienced surveyors, including trenches opening and detection of underground infrastructures.
  • The surveyors are equipped with the most advanced tools for digital mapping, including use of high accuracy GPS and fieldwork tablets.



  • Streamlines engineering management and contributes to a common language between all the bodies handling infrastructures in the authority.
  • System configuration – Web (cloud) based system, local and mobile solutions.
  • System technology – ESRI, AUTODESK and Microsoft SQL.




  • Annual Work Plan management module – presenting the work in progress , future work and finished work, make key business decisions while viewing the impact on the entire city, document progress, decisions and budgets.
  • Sewage and drainage pipe washing module – exclusive – Including video attachment, viewing dynamic object colors according to the schedule for automatic maintenance according to engineering standards.



  • Solutions for functional continuity in an emergency when the power grid or the Internet goes down.
  • Critical Infrastructure and Crisis Management – Sensor interface for locating the failed pipes.
  • Closing of only relevant control valves.
  • Monitoring properties that will not receive water from the exploded pipe.
  • Automatic sending SMS to residents.
  • Monitoring populations in need of assistance from the authority, such as welfare and the elderly.
  • Production of engineering data for engineers and field crews including maintenance data of the failed pipes.



  • Management of infrastructures in graphic layers including lines and accessories.
  • Advanced visualization options: map display, tabular display, card information of object, image display.
  • Query and automatic reports.
  • Export and import CAD data according to any alternative specifications.
  • Automatic tools for quality control and auditing of AS MADE from contractors.
  • Presentation of vector maps on scanned and anchored AS-MADE maps.
  • An application that converts CAD data to GIS format and vice versa.
  • An application for data amendment that completes missing sewage network data such as calculating the sewage lines slope, automatically adding flow directions and performing various logical engineering tests.
  • Interfaces with urban centers, planning and construction systems.

All the above advantages translate into:

  • Greatly improved service to the residents.
  • Significant financial savings to the Authority.
  • The system will improve the operation methods, maintenance decision making, prevent mistakes that could cause the system to stop operating properly and prevent lawsuits.

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